FORD CUAUTITLAN, Mexico – manufacture and assembly of piping systems, connection of technology units, paint mixing and circulation systems
HYUNDAY Nošovice, Czech Republic – manufacture and assembly of piping systems, connection of technology units,
FORD OTOSAN, Turkey – assembly of paint circulation system
KIA Žilina, Slovakia – paint shop, full technology for piping system for painting system
RAJO a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia – replacement of piping system and assembly of stainless steel piping system
Heineken Slovensko a.s., Hurbanovo, Slovakia – assembly of stainless steel piping system, manufacture of tanks, compress hall
HILL’S PETFOOD FACTORY a.s., Hustopeče, Czech Republic
MOL Zrt., Százshalombatta, Hungary – assembly and welding of piping systems and storage tanks for petroleum products (2000 m3, 5000 m3)
SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia – manufacture of tanks and piping systems, technology disposal of former distribution storage for petroleum, oils and lubricants. Replacement and maintenance of piping systems and technological units during shut down
J-TEC – DIC Performance Resins, Belgium – assembly of technology and piping systems
Mondi SCP a.s. Ružomberok, Slovakia – pipeline bridge reconstruction, maintenance of machinery during plant shutdown
SMURFIT KAPPA ŠTÚROVO, a.s. – maintenance of machinery, assembly of piping systems for tanks, assembly and disassembly works on various technological units
SLOVENSKÝ VODOHOSPODÁRSKY PODNIK, š.p., Slovakia – reparation of the dike outlet at service station Čergov
SLOVENSKÉ LODENICE Komárno, a.s., Slovakia
SDP KOVO, s.r.o., Plzeň, Czech Republic
LEGIOS, Praha, Czech Republic
MAXIT GROUP, Abanilla, Spain
SYNTHOS KRALUPY, a.s., Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic
ZAKLADY AZOTOWE Kedzierzyn S.A., Kedzierzyn Kozle, Poland
BORSODCHEM Zrt., Kazincbarcika, Hungary